Publications and Media

Research Publications

Gill A.R., Rainey, C., Socolar, Y., Gil-Santos, Y., & Bowles, T.M. (2024) “Comparing dry farming of tomatoes across varieties and soil management history”, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, pp. 1-14.

Gill, A.R., Loveys, B.R., Cavagnaro, T.R., & Burton, R.A. (2023) “The potential of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) as an emerging drought resistant fibre crop”, Plant and Soil, pp. 1-10.

Matros, A., Menz, P., Gill, A.R, Santoscoy, A., Dawson, T., Seiffert, U., & Burton, R.A. (2023). “Non-invasive assessment of cultivar and gender of Cannabis sativa L. by means of hyperspectral measurement”, Plant-Environment Interactions, pp. 1-17.

Gill, A.R., Loveys, B.R., Cowley, J.M., Hall, T., Cavagnaro, T.R., & Burton, R.A. (2022). “Physiological and morphological responses of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) to water deficit”. Industrial Crops and Products, 187, pp. 1 – 11.

Watts-Williams, S.J., Gill, A.R., Jewell, N., Brien, C.J., Berger, B., Tran, B.T.T., Mace, E., Cruickshank, A.W., Jordan, D.R., Garnett, T., & Cavagnaro, T. R. (2021). “Enhancement of sorghum grain yield and nutrition: A role for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi regardless of soil phosphorus availability”. Plants, People, Planet, pp. 1 – 14.


Wearing Hemp Clothing Australia, photographed by Sam Doughy, styled by Elizabeth Smee
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