Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Fulbright Scholarship Alumna

The University of Adelaide

I enjoy conducting research on plant and crop responses to abiotic stresses, particularly drought. With drought projected to increase in intensity and frequency in many regions worldwide, it will be necessary to adapt agriculture to these changing conditions in order to ensure sustainable food and fibre production. My current postdoctoral research focuses on autonomous agriculture for space exploration and controlled environment agriculture on Earth. Using cameras and machine learning, coupled with plant physiology, we are investigating autonomous stress detection in lettuce plants.

My broad research interests include plant and novel crop responses to future climate changes, sustainable agriculture, plant physiology, and agroecology. My PhD research investigated industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) water use and responses to water deficit. During my PhD in 2022, I was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley. Here, I was part of the Bowles Agroecology laboratory where I investigated how soil management and variety influence dry-farmed tomato plant production and quality under water stress.

I am privileged to be a Fulbright Future and Fulbright South Australia Scholar alumna, Playford Trust PhD Scholarship recipient, Tim Healey Memorial Scholarship recipient, CJ Everard Scholarship holder, and AgriFutures Australia Horizon Scholarship alumna.

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